
cause i don't have a job
and i can't get anyone else to publish the shit i write
and i'm tried of writing for my own ears
and i just thought why the hell not,
i'm writing a blog.

even though
i hate what i call the institution of blogging that dictates a certain disaffected,
self-important style of writing.
but then i also hate the institution of dominant pop culture that dictates a certain disaffected,
self-important style of being.
so what can you do?

because it's my blog
and because i like the unapologetic style of classic zines
which were often published with a complete disregard for polish
i am doing my best to be as open and
as i can
which will be hard i know because this is the internet
but will hopefully help me not want to kill myself
for writing a blog

and sooner or later i will compile a real zine
which will be better than this
if only because it is printed on actually paper
and people will be able to hold it in their hands
instead of staring at it on a screen.


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