Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This is an exercise in egoism. In saying what I think as clearly and with as little editing as possible. Difficult for me since I'm such a perfectionist, especially where words are concerned. I feel that the world of blogging is largely predicated on and defined by the idea that strangers care what the author thinks and will spend valuable time finding out. For my part, I don't know if you care but I think you should. So I have created a platform from which to spout my rambling opinions about life the universe and everything. But mostly sexism, the internet, and human interaction. Also whatever else strikes my fancy at any given moment. With the goal of being more interesting than the thousands of other egotists posting their thoughts online.


ps.: I'm also working on a zine. It will be better than the blog. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. This is a refreshingly honest, real voice. Keep it coming!!!
