Sunday, September 30, 2012

why i hate the internet.

I think the nature of the internet necessarily skews the various "performances of self" that one engages in on a day to day basis. There's this idea of creating a brand for yourself. Persona maintenance. Everything becomes a commodity or an image (or both). It's why I hate the internet. The way we act like it can replace the feeling of many bodies together in the same room. The way it removes accountability and identity and makes everyone a commodity to be maintained and groomed and charm and seduce and completely empty if you ever dare to dig a little. It's so isolating and alienating.

1 comment:

  1. It is true. The internet is a commodifying device, to "show your best face forward", to create a "product" that is palatable for human consumption. It is a "human resume" of sorts, to show the world what you want it to see in you. It appears to be here to stay, so like all "necessary evils", possibly the old mantra applies to this like all others: Make it work for you, not against you. Use it instead of letting it use you!
